Advocacy Opportunities

PA Medicaid State Plan

For many years, PAPRS has been advocating for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services to be included in the Pennsylvania Medicaid State Plan.  Currently PRS remains a supplemental service, and as such is not required.   If PRS were to be included in the State Plan, the managed care plans would be required to offer choice of two facilities within the geo-access standards established in the HealthChoices program (within 30 minutes travel time in Urban areas; within 60 minutes travel time in Rural areas).  We are not expecting PRS to be included in the State Plan Amendment (SPA) under current review by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  We are hopeful that PRS will be included in the proposed SPA for next year. Now is the time to start an advocacy campaign.  Please consider writing a letter to your PA Senator and/or Representative encouraging them to support the inclusion of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services in the Pennsylvania Medicaid State Plan in the coming year.  PAPRS is pleased to provide you with this letter template to get you started in your contribution to this important advocacy campaign.    Please follow the link provided, download the template and edit the template to fit your situation.          Letter template

To find your PA Representative or Senator, go to  Find Your Legislator